for Pros
Designed For
Comfort & Control

Brighter is Better!
Jawbone handles are bright and colourful. You will quickly realize the benefits of having each tool a unique and distinctly bright colour. When your Elbow Jointer is Blue….you simply reach in and grab the blue Elbow Jointer. It’s the little things that make a big difference when you are on the job and 3 storeys up.

Stronger is Better!
Jawbone handles are virtually indestructible. Made of a unque blend of recycled polyethelane plastic you will be impressed with the durability of Jawbone Handles. They stand up to heat, moisture, and pretty much any type of abuse. Plus, at they end of the day…they will clean up like new.

Ergonomic Design
Jawbone Handles feature a hand-friendly design with grooves and textures in the right spots so that they feel more comfortable and grip much better. You’ll notice reduced fatigue and more control on every project. Our handles can be retrofitted to your existing tools and will grip and feel awesome all day long.